FAQ 788
When might I need to make a Discretionary Grant Application and how do I do this?

The Discretionary Grant is for students who need to retake units because of mitigating circumstances which are beyond their control. For instance, sometimes a student might encounter serious difficulties which mean they can’t commit to their studies for a period and they might then need to return to retake units perhaps in the next academic year.

Ordinarily students would need to pay again for any units retaken. However the University recognises that often it is not the student’s fault that they need to retake and that they might have faced a serious difficulty or problem. The University tries to offer as much support as possible in such situations.

The funds available are limited though, so students do not automatically receive the Grant and the application process is intended to provide a means by which students can make their claim and for the University to assess the merits of any applications it receives. Students without a good reason for needing to retake will not receive the Grant.

Students wishing to apply need to first book an appointment with the Student Engagement team. This could be by logging an enquiry on SiD Online in the category 'Student Engagement Appointment,' by calling us on 0300 300 0042, or by visiting the SiD desk.

After this, the student should submit the form (attached to this FAQ) with any additional information and evidence attached, to student.engagement@beds.ac.uk or by uploading it to their enquiry. The application will then be considered by the Student Engagement team in the first instance. It is then forwarded to the Faculty to make a final decision on the application. The Faculty then notifies the student of the outcome in writing.

More information can be found at www.beds.ac.uk/student-support/student-engagement/.

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