FAQ 778
Can I leave the UK during term time?

If you need to travel outside the UK during term time, you must seek permission from the International Office. It will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.

There are two reasons for this policy:

You may be missing lectures and other expected points of academic contact at the University. This may render you in contravention of University attendance policy and UKVI regulations and will have a negative impact on your ability to complete the course with the grades you desire.

It may be difficult for you to return to the UK. Immigration officers may wish to see proof that you have been given permission to travel and to return to the UK by the University and if they are not satisfied with the proof you provide they may refuse or delay your entry to the UK. This will result in you missing even more of the course than you or the University expected.

Leave requests will be individually assessed by staff in the International Office who can consider your circumstances and reasons for requesting term time travel. To enable us to properly consider your leave request please provide supporting documentary evidence, for example, a medical certificate.

If permission is granted, you will receive a letter of authorization, to assist you in your travels. If you travel without authorization, the University may take action in accordance with UKVI guidelines, possibly culminating in the termination of your sponsorship and curtailment of your visa.