FAQ 725
How can I appeal a decision from the Mitigation or Student Engagment Teams?

Normally the decision of the Mitigation Team and the Student Engagement Team is final but if you disagree with their decision the first informal step you should take is to make an appointment to see one of the Student Engagement Team and discuss any issues you may have as to why your claim was unsuccessful.

If after that you are still unhappy with the decision that has been made then you can write to the Head of Student Support at student.engagement@beds.ac.uk for your case to be re-considered. It may be that you did not supply enough details for complete consideration of your application or have further and new evidence to support your case.

Should your application be reconsidered and refused again, and you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, then you should appeal in writing to the Adjudication Manager and emailed to adjudication@beds.ac.uk

All appeals must be received before the date of the relevant Examination Board.