FAQ 631
How can I find out what my password is and how can I change it?

During registration you will be issued with a randomly generated password. You are required to provide an answer to a security question and reset your password to a password of your choice.

Follow these steps for resetting your password:

  1. Visit password.beds.ac.uk
  2. Enter your student number and password. Your initial password, by default, will be Bedfordshire followed by your date of birth - so for example BedfordshireDDMMYYY (i.e. 1 Jan 1998 = 01011998).
  3. Click Setup Security Question and set your security question. This is mandatory and you will need it should you require further password resets.
  4. Once you have set your security question, click Change Password and set your new password.

Note: It is a requirement that you reset your password within 24 hours of issue. Your temporary password will expire if it is not changed before the 24 hour deadline.