FAQ 276
How can I find a part-time job?

The Careers website provides information about finding part-time work including details about local employers in the Luton and Bedford area who offer part-time opportunities.

Do remember that not all vacancies are advertised so you need to be proactive in your job search. Employers will only consider applications that are well presented and evidence your suitability for the job.

There is a lot of competition for the jobs that are available so you need to produce a strong application. Make sure you know what the employer is looking for and make sure that your application relates to the job. Every job is unique - every application should be unique.

Do NOT use the same CV for every job application - this will limit your chances.

To find out what jobs we are currently advertising (both on and off campus), visit our online careers portal, Careersonline, and login using your usual student username and password. Once logged in for the first time, you can edit your profile to choose how you wish to make use of the system. This could be by opting to receive daily or weekly email alerts about job opportunities. You can refine what jobs you are looking for such as part-time, summer work or sector.  You can also search for jobs and events using this portal.

If you would like to speak with an adviser about finding a part-time job, you can book an appointment via our online portal Careersonline. To do this, login using your student username and password, then select Book/Appointments from the toolbar to see what slots are available. 

If you have any questions, please, email us via careers@beds.ac.uk