FAQ 866
I have forgotten to bring my ID with me for my exam what shall i do?

You must go to the relevant exams office 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam. This is to obtain a permission slip to enter the exam room. You will be asked to provide an alternative form of ID such as a driving license or passport. Once you have been identified you will be taken to your seat and have your ID placed on your desk. If you have ID that is not a driving license or passport or the invigilator cannot recognise your ID, or you do not have any ID, you will be asked to fill in a 'candidates without ID declaration form" and place this on your desk. There will be exams office based in each location.

If you have lost your ID card you will need to pay for a new ID card. Please see below:

You can apply for a replacement card in person by paying £10.00/£11.00 to Finance (located on level 2 of the Campus Centre in Luton) You will be given a receipt which you should take with you to obtain your new ID card.

In Bedford, the Finance Office which is located in the new Gateway building (to the right of the reception desk) produce ID cards. To pay for a replacement card in Bedford please go to PO.02 in Bedford. You will be given a receipt which you should take with you to obtain your new ID card.

In UCMK, you would need to see the staff at the Student Information Desk who would first take payment and then produce ID cards for you between 9am to 5pm.

If you are a victim of crime and your ID card has been stolen, please produce your crime reference number and you will not be charged.