There are three areas that may affect your access to accounts/systems and this may also affect your rights to use your ID card, which then will not allow you access to libraries.
1. Financial
You need to be ‘in good financial standing’ with the University. If you owe money for accommodation, to the library, or for fees - these factors will affect how much access to systems and buildings you have.
Areas that will be affected are access to BREO, e:Vision, access to libraries and laboratories, field trips and graduation. Though assignments will be marked and graded, they will not be accepted for exam board ratification.
2. Registration
At the start of a new academic year, your ID card will need to be re-activated. Even though your card may have an end date three years ahead, you need to re-register each year. Your account needs to be ‘current’ for all systems to work. If you think that you may not have registered or have questions about this, you will need to talk to your faculty office.
3. Reduction
This may apply in an academic year where you are not actively receiving tuition. This may occur in a year where your account has been held open due to, for example, a late submission of assignment that has meant that your work has missed the exam board. A reduced record will not allow you access to the library.
If all the above have been addressed and you still have IT access issues this may centre around passwords. Please contact the Student Information Desk in this event.
Further help
You can contact Credit Control at or 01582 743331.
Opening Hours
The Credit Services team run term time surgeries for students on Level 2 of the Campus Centre at Luton, from 9am-4:30pm each day, you just need to type your number in at the Join Queue screen and select the 'Credit Control' queue. At Bedford the Finance Office is open from 9.30am-5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am-4pm on Fridays. The office is closed for lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm.
These offices can help with queries regarding fees and funding.
Why can’t I log on to any of the IT systems?