FAQ 25
I am having difficulty finding a part-time job, what can I do?

If you have tried applying for jobs without success, it may be a good idea to have your CV checked. An effective CV or job application is one that gets you an interview. You can have your CV reviewed by one of our advisers by sending it through our online portal, Careersonline. Select CVs from the Me icon and follow the instructions provided.  Make sure you explain what you want to use it for (ie part-time work, internship, placement) in the description box to help us tailor the advice accordingly.

However, before sending a copy of your CV, we do recommend that you look at the self help guides available on the 
Careers & Employability Service website. This will help you to make the more obvious improvements to your CV before having it checked. We can then focus on those changes that may give your CV/application maximum impact.

Each CV should be tailored towards the job that you are applying for. If you are not addressing the employers specific needs with your CV you may well struggle to get an interview. Remember to evidence within the CV your suitability for the job - if you have the skills required - prove it!

Have a look at FAQ number 276 for details of how to find part-time work.

If you have any questions, please email us via careers@beds.ac.uk