FAQ 1030
How can I submit feedback about my experience of the University?

You can submit feedback on your University experience through the Student Voice process. There are three options for you

  1. Submit online, using the simple online form www.beds.ac.uk/studentvoice or by emailing StudentVoice@beds.ac.uk
  2. Submit in person by attending one of the Student Voice Forums run by Beds SU. More information here: https://www.bedssu.co.uk/representation
  3. Submit via a representative such as Beds SU Executive Officer or Course representative. More info here: https://www.bedssu.co.uk/representation

Please note, if you need to make a formal complaint or appeal, you need to follow the process and complete the relevant form as found here: www.beds.ac.uk/student-experience/academic-information/ Formal complaints are received and processed by the Adjudication Team.